
The William Glasser International offers training in Choice Theory psychology and its applications in counseling, teaching, managing, and parenting. The two main training programs are:

  • Choice Theory/Reality Therapy Certification
  • Faculty Training

Choice Theory psychology forms the foundation of what we teach and is based on the belief that we choose every aspect of our lives. If you are a person who interacts with others, then this training is for you! Our participants come from all aspects of life, from business people, parents, counselors, educators, probation officers, hair stylists just to name a few. Registering for Basic Intensive Training will teach you the value of relationship building and wellbeing.

CEU’s and academic credits are available to individuals who take the Intensive Training.

You will learn how to:

  • Maintain healthy relationships by practicing the seven habits that bring people closer together.
  • Apply Choice Theory psychology in education, counseling, managing, parenting, and marriage.
  • Develop a more thorough understanding of mental health and happiness.

Although this training has been designed for people who work with people professionally, and is educational in purpose, participants have found the study of Choice Theory to be extremely useful as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, grandparents, friends and colleagues. You will learn how to use the seven habits that can improve every relationship in your life. You will begin the skillful use of the questions that promote change and begin to see a difference in your own life.

The first step in learning the tools that can change every relationship in your life, including with yourself, is to register for Basic Intensive Training.

Faculty Training
Once you have achieved the status of CT/RT Certified you can attend a Faculty Program to become a Faculty Member of William Glasser International.

The purpose of these programs is to ensure that faculty members who represent WGI have the appropriate knowledge and skills to teach parts of the Choice Theory psychology certification process.

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