Kim Olver

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  • in reply to: Scholars Program #3194
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    Janet, I think these are great ideas and scholarships would be limited to one per faculty member/year?

    in reply to: Membership Policy #2780
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    Hi Charlotte, you will still pay your dues as you always do at (the US site), not WGI. Some countries had the faculty paying directly to WGI and this did not work out too well. Not much will change at WGI-US.

    in reply to: Costs of Membership #1821
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    Brian, I like this idea AND how do we “trust” that affiliates are sending in the proper percentages? I trust 90% of our affiliates but I’m not sure about the rest. I like the idea of people paying for a WGI course through WGI’s shopping cart system. This way we can keep track of the percentages and set up the affiliates and instructors to get their percentages. Shopping cart will do that for us. Then we would have people’s information from the beginning and only those people who paid through our system would get an official numbered certificate from WGI. I believe this could help affiliates in the sense that they would no longer need to collect fees or issue certificates. It could all be done centrally. Trust would not be an issue the other way because every time someone registers through shopping cart, the proper affiliate would get an email about the sale.

    in reply to: Take Charge of Your Life Pilot Mentoring Program #1794
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    A good understanding of Choice Theory is important so they can answer questions from participants. Of course, I realize they will learn along the way. The best training for me, a kinesthetic learner, came from providing training. I also think they need to be good at forming relationships with trainees and also providing a well-rounded learning experience.

    in reply to: Family dynamics #1793
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    Hi Alan, I may also add to help the client articulate what she wants the relationship with her mother, father and brother to look like. Then use the Reality Therapy process with her to determine what behavior she is using to gain the relationships with them she would like to have – include the positive and the things that may not be helping so much. Then, you can have her self-evaluate her own behavior as to whether or not it is likely to lead to the relationship she wants.

    Another approach might be to help her realize the only person’s behavior she can control is her own and hoping, wishing and dreaming things were better is not likely going to change the situation so asking her what SHE can do to improve the situation if that is, in fact, what she wants. . . Hope this is helpful.

    in reply to: How did you become interested in Choice Theory? #1792
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    My involvement with Choice Theory was equally accidental. I was working in a place where I didn’t respect my supervisor. I was seeking another job. I interviewed at three places and was offered all three jobs. I decided to take the one at the foster care agency because they were going to train me in Reality Therapy. I didn’t know what that was but I thought training in anything counseling-related was definitely good for me. I had Nancy Buck as my basic instructor. I loved the ideas and I especially loved her. And, as you say, the rest is history!

    in reply to: meaning of life and CT/RT #1791
    Avatar photoKim Olver

    Sergei, that may be answered differently by different people. For me, understanding the “meaning of life” is in my quality world. It is important to me so I will be driven my that picture to obtain an understanding in whatever way suits me best. Other people may not care so much about the meaning of life. It wouldn’t be in their quality world so you probably wouldn’t see them doing much to obtain that understanding. What do you think?

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