Janet Morgan

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  • in reply to: 2020 June Budget #5566
    Janet Morgan

    2020 July Budget

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    in reply to: Scholars Program #3196
    Janet Morgan

    Eventually, I would like every region to adopt the same plan, or something similar.

    in reply to: Scholars Program #3195
    Janet Morgan

    I would like to start with one in Education (not limiting it to a university faculty person but, anyone in education) and then add one in mental health next year and the third year, one in business/leadership.

    We could fine tune as we go because I am sure someone will have a great addition to this plan….

    in reply to: Professional Relationship Habits card #2772
    Janet Morgan

    First, may I say thank you for the people involved that desired and created this for us! I always appreciate when someone volunteers their time and talents for the good of others!
    Second, I would like to say what I like about the card: I like the compactness. I like that we can download it for our business of sharing Choice Theory to others. I like the simple folding card. I like the mustard or yellow part.
    Third, suggestions: The flower and color is associated with grieving, loss and domestic violence. The wording on the insert isn’t in balance with each other; for example….where it says, ‘Avoid’ on the left side, it should start with ‘Practice’ on the right…The columns should be in the same order.

    Thanks for asking our opinion!!

    in reply to: The Term MEMBER ORGANISATION #2383
    Janet Morgan

    I looked at the American Counseling Organization site to see how they had their PARTNERS listed and they used the word, Branch, i.e., European Branch of the ACA

    Just another word to add to the list!!

    in reply to: Differences between policy and strategic plan #1934
    Janet Morgan

    Jean, I appreciate your input and will visit the link for further information. Research is not in charge of Ethics but Research involves more complex aspects of Ethics than what has been proposed in the Ethics draft. How we incorporate them is for us to decipher and outline. Would love more input on this from you.

    Thanks, Janet

    in reply to: Definitions #1933
    Janet Morgan

    This will be very helpful as we develop and create courses, workshops, etc. It might need to be posted somewhere…not exactly sure but maybe we could create an outline (construct?) for those wishing to create these items…

    Janet Morgan

    Just a couple of thoughts: Does what you propose help us make it simpler for those who want to learn CT/RT and still maintain quality? It appears to be many hoops to jump through and boxes to check off. I like the heart of your proposal but I would like the essence of CT to be at the core of what we do. We must practice what we preach.Can we discuss this further?

    in reply to: Total Review of Faculty Training #1895
    Janet Morgan

    To the best of my knowledge we have five propositions for a new training model. (Ellens, John Brickell, Nancy Herrick, Brian Lennon, Juan Pablo) They all have similar formats, ideas. Could a committee be formed to use these five propositions to create a new training policy? I would like to see this completed ASAP. I volunteer to head this committee of be a part of it. All authors of their proposals could be in this committee so we can develop quality work.


    in reply to: Draft Policy Document on Ethics #1894
    Janet Morgan

    Brian, You did a thorough job on this policy. I have one issue. The grievance ombudsman should be able to choose any member of WGI to form a committee. A senior faculty member or WGI board member negates the power of the position of ombudsman and may be in conflict with the situation. (In my opinion) If the ombudsman chooses a board member it may cause great problems. I feel the WGI Board has no place in this committee. They may offer advice or counsel on an international interest/concern but not in any other capacity.

    Thank you for such a detailed policy11


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