Bette Blance

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  • in reply to: Take Charge of Your Life Pilot Mentoring Program #1836
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    Yes Kim you are right about needing to have a good understanding of Choice Theory. Using good references including “Chart Talk” by Carleen Glasser as well as re reading of Dr Glasser’s books is important for me. You don’t know what questions will come up and as you relax into the role of facilitator, you will find in this relaxed state the answers will come to you. It is hard to be in this relaxed state at first.

    Having a mentor who you can reflect with is also a good strategy.

    Building relationships is a key. What are some of the ways we can do this?

    in reply to: Take Charge of Your Life Course #1689
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    We have achieved our goal of having the updated version of the Participant Manual and the Facilitator Guide with sample PowerPoints ready for release on 1 January. These will be downloadable free of charge for Faculty members on renewal of membership.

    With 13 CTRTC members currently engaged in a Take Charge of Your Life mentoring pilot we will move this forward in 2015 with other Faculty who have facilitated Take Charge being invited to participate as mentors for CTRTC.

    Those who facilitate Take Charge using our materials and who charge registration fees for the workshop, or who are paid by another organisation to run this workshop are asked to send WGI 10% of earnings. This will give an income stream for WGI.

    Avatar photoBette Blance

    I think the proposal is really important as a starting point. Thank you for beginning this task. I would like to comment on some specifics that might be considered.

    Instead of the word lecture ( Page 1) could we use the term the program committee suggested – Seminars. Also on that same point are we considering the Take Charge committee suggestion that it be 8% of income after expenses rather than a single amount.

    The same for the Take Charge of Your Life amount. In some countries putting a charge of 10.00 per participant would be too much. If people are charging, they pay, if not they do it for free as a tribute.

    Unsure of the terminology applied CT for Teaching Adults? Would need more explanation of this title.

    I love the idea of working with larger groups. I like the downloadable certificates numbered. This would solve a lot of problems in purchasing hard copies and having the names printed on them.

    In B on page 2 I would like to see Basic Practicum hours of 10 hours face to face reviewed. Does this mean face to face electronically or physically. This is fine for an organisation where people can be together and can pay for a BP supervisor to visit. Working with schools is easier than putting together groups for an open training. What about the woman in Iran who has no one to run a practicum or the man in central Australia who can’t get to a practicum face to face meeting because of distance. Are we being exclusive rather than inclusive? Could we include platforms such as WIZIQ or GoToMeeting as face to face.

    I love the research component, but I am unsure of the exam. Have always avoided using exams when I was a university lecturer.

    Seems that the three day courses are being suggested. Is that what we thought as a Board?

    I like the idea of stand alone workshops. Lots of opportunities for innovative, relevant and useful workshops that will be aimed at application of the theory.

    In the outline of the GQS I would suggest that part of the practicum is replaced by in-class collegial coaching. This powerful tool has the potential to energise, and bring about significant change in practice. This could become part of an action research focus and data collection process.

    I like the formalisation of the accreditation process for GQS endorsement, and also the idea of a GQS organisation.

    Perhaps the ideas of the GQS could be expanded to become the GQO Glasser Quality Organisation and aimed at the business world.

    Thank you Juan Pablo and Jean for the thought that has been given to this very necessary step forward.

    in reply to: Database transition #1515
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    Yes please. Online form filling is so important in this day and age. Efficient for the person needing to complete the form. Even better for the person doing the data entry. I look forward to hearing how this can happen, to inform our own organisations wanting to choose a data base. Keeping a safe, efficient, reliable data base is so important. Ease of access to the data by those who need it is also important.

    in reply to: Types of Membership #1514
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    Yes, it is very clear. Check spelling MEMBERS discussioins. This gives access to those who have no training as REGISTERED member with a benefit. Hopefully being an ASSOCIATE will encourage some to the next level. I agree with this.

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