Bette Blance

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  • in reply to: Take Charge of Your Life Pilot Mentoring Program #3607
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    Having a listening ear, being able to share the highs and low, asking for advice, sharing new ideas are just some of the benefits of having a mentor. Being a mentor brings many highlights as well. It is a joyful experience to see someone take off and develop the potential of Take Charge. New opportunities for CTRTC trained people can rejuvenate a whole district or area. It opens doors for people. Getting the right support is important.

    At best, someone who is Faculty or a CTRTC approved Facilitator who has completed several Take Charge workshops can really help develop new facilitators to do this workshop. Find your mentor on the WGI website an have a go. The rewards are worth it.

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    in reply to: Take Charge of Your Life #2498
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    This is the November Take Charge of Your Life Facilitator Newsletter.
    Congratulations to everyone who is facilitating workshops around the globe. More people being mentored as well. The group is gaining traction.

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    in reply to: International Research Meeting Minutes #2497
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    Thank you for this Janet
    It is good to keep up when I can’t attend the meetings.

    Avatar photoBette Blance

    If the arguing is a discussion that models the connecting behaviours and does not use the disconnecting behaviours, it can model for young people a way to sort out differences of opinion. If it uses the disconnecting habits it becomes a battle of wills and models coercion and power over.

    in reply to: Database & Digital Signatures #2494
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    I agree with the notion that currency for Faculty is important. I was able to get a copy of membership from Kim and found that several of our instructors are not paid up members of WGI.

    A way to check before issuing certificates would be good. Do all course organisers seek approval for training through Kim? Or is this done at the Member Organisation level. It is in Australia and NZ.

    I believe it is key that Member Organisations ask for current membership lists on a regular basis.


    in reply to: Research Policy Draft #2393
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    We have included this in our discussions as we think it is essential for GQS accreditation for staff to do this. Looking forward to sharing what we have come up with in a few days.

    in reply to: Research Policy Draft #2275
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    Janet I think this policy is succinct, readable and very useful. What do we need to do to have everyone read it, comment and have it as a policy.

    in reply to: Terminology #2274
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    In all the documentation of Take Charge we refer to people as CTRT. I agree with the sentiment that as it is currently CRT

    in reply to: Ideas for Promoting the Endowment Fund #1963
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    William Glasser Institute-New Zealand has just given a NZ $1000.00 contribution to the Endowment Fund. This came from a slight profit we made on our recent conference. Unfortunately the exchange rate takes a bit but every bit counts.

    in reply to: Database transition #1962
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    I agree with what Jim and Nancy have said. As an affiliate I want some data about the last entries and payments for training so I can ensure that in New Zealand we are up to date with what we owe. Unfortunately a recent change in management committee members has meant that we are unclear about what has been paid and what has not. The data base would give us that information very quickly.

    Avatar photoBette Blance

    I think what Juan Pablo is suggesting comes out of what we as a Board discussed in Toronto. The current model of 4 days Basic Intensive Training has a strong focus on Reality Therapy. The ratio of 40% CT and 40% RT suggests that. Even though I think many of us who work school groups adapt our examples, anecdotes and role play set ups to be relevant for the group in front of us that ratio would seem unbalanced. In the past I have had a couple of comments suggesting that teachers are not counsellors. This may well put them off the training.

    So if we are going to make the training more relevant to schools or to parents or to counsellors or to prison staff, I think it would make sense to have a program that is more closely tailored to that group. Thus the suggestion that we can maintain what is currently happening ( BIT, BP, AIT, AP Certification)and add programs that are more like two days CTRT, followed by elective two day workshops.

    I think relevance to participants is a key. For GQS it might be two days of CTRT followed by elective workshops such as

    *Catering for Basic Needs in the classroom
    *Quality Lesson Design
    *Setting clear boundaries with good interpersonal relationships
    *Dealing With Difficult Behaviours Through Quality Relationships
    *Setting Up A Quality Classroom
    *Cooperative Learning
    *Self Evaluation in the Classroom
    *Three Way Reporting
    *Self Managing Students
    *Quality Behaviour, Quality Learning
    *Learning Styles
    *Innovative Teaching Strategies
    I am sure we could add many more to this list of possible workshops.
    I don’t think that this is simpler or easier but would have more relevance and therefore more “buy in”.

    in reply to: New Training #1923
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    My thoughts are that the training models classroom strategies. Involving participants in cooperative learning strategies means that they may more likely use classroom strategies that involve the principles of cooperative learning. Experiencing cooperative learning from a ‘learner’s’perspective demonstrates what it is like to participate in this type of activity.

    in reply to: Take Charge of Your Life Pilot Mentoring Program #1848
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    In mentoring CTRTC people who wish to be facilitators of Take Charge of Your Life, the following have been issues discussed.

    1.The physical environment is important. A room with tiles or other hard floor coverings can be very noisy, particularly if the facilitator has any hearing loss. Rooms with carpet on the floor is easier.
    2. Room set up is important. Room to set up discussion groups, for the facilitator to move around as groups work, having a clear space for some activities is important. Using a floor chart is a choice and if the chairs are arranged in a U shape around the chart this enables everyone to see.
    3. If using a data projector and PowerPoint or the like, use a wireless presenter to free you from needing to change the slides at the computer. If you are hard of hearing this can help you get closer to the person asking a question or responding to a question.

    in reply to: Costs of Membership #1843
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    I also like that idea Brian. I think that is fair and will align with what is affordable for people in a country. The online certificate seems like a good idea as well.

    in reply to: The Degree Requirement #1842
    Avatar photoBette Blance

    I agree with this. The requirement excludes some who would be very good facilitators of learning.

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