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    • #1677
      Avatar photoJuan Pablo Aljure

      Please find attached my proposal for the direction of WGI in the next five years. Let’s engage in feedback and discussion. Cheers, JP

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    • #1679
      Avatar photoBette Blance

      I think the proposal is really important as a starting point. Thank you for beginning this task. I would like to comment on some specifics that might be considered.

      Instead of the word lecture ( Page 1) could we use the term the program committee suggested – Seminars. Also on that same point are we considering the Take Charge committee suggestion that it be 8% of income after expenses rather than a single amount.

      The same for the Take Charge of Your Life amount. In some countries putting a charge of 10.00 per participant would be too much. If people are charging, they pay, if not they do it for free as a tribute.

      Unsure of the terminology applied CT for Teaching Adults? Would need more explanation of this title.

      I love the idea of working with larger groups. I like the downloadable certificates numbered. This would solve a lot of problems in purchasing hard copies and having the names printed on them.

      In B on page 2 I would like to see Basic Practicum hours of 10 hours face to face reviewed. Does this mean face to face electronically or physically. This is fine for an organisation where people can be together and can pay for a BP supervisor to visit. Working with schools is easier than putting together groups for an open training. What about the woman in Iran who has no one to run a practicum or the man in central Australia who can’t get to a practicum face to face meeting because of distance. Are we being exclusive rather than inclusive? Could we include platforms such as WIZIQ or GoToMeeting as face to face.

      I love the research component, but I am unsure of the exam. Have always avoided using exams when I was a university lecturer.

      Seems that the three day courses are being suggested. Is that what we thought as a Board?

      I like the idea of stand alone workshops. Lots of opportunities for innovative, relevant and useful workshops that will be aimed at application of the theory.

      In the outline of the GQS I would suggest that part of the practicum is replaced by in-class collegial coaching. This powerful tool has the potential to energise, and bring about significant change in practice. This could become part of an action research focus and data collection process.

      I like the formalisation of the accreditation process for GQS endorsement, and also the idea of a GQS organisation.

      Perhaps the ideas of the GQS could be expanded to become the GQO Glasser Quality Organisation and aimed at the business world.

      Thank you Juan Pablo and Jean for the thought that has been given to this very necessary step forward.

    • #1896
      Janet Morgan

      Just a couple of thoughts: Does what you propose help us make it simpler for those who want to learn CT/RT and still maintain quality? It appears to be many hoops to jump through and boxes to check off. I like the heart of your proposal but I would like the essence of CT to be at the core of what we do. We must practice what we preach.Can we discuss this further?

    • #1918

      Hello, Perhaps I sent this to everyone. It is taking me a bit of time to get used to visiting the site for discussion since there are many topics and perhaps there is no time for input. I believe it is crucial to look closely at programs and agree with Bette that JP’s is a good starting point. I wonder if Programs could be added for the Board’s time together although I am sure this is an ongoing topic with the board. I looked at Canada’a income for advanced training in 2013 compared with 2014 and the number is down by 66 2/3%. Attached are my initial comments but I believe if I were to review again, I might reconsider in order to making training and/or courses easily available and with much less paperwork. For example, revamping expectations for a 3-day program. Thanks, Jean

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    • #1921

      I agree with Janet about Faculty Programs. Many are dropping out part way and those that reach Certification find the faculty programs cumbersome. The paperwork alone is enough to lead you to AA, a great programme but not one I would want to have to follow.

      I would work with you, Janet, if you are still looking for people on this. Many thanks, Jean

    • #1942
      Nancy Herrick

      As to whether a new structure will make it simpler, I would say that we may be making the process more complicated on the face of it, but more user-friendly and cost effective for most people. The terms “easy” and “hard” are not how I want to think about the new structure. I want to focus on the cost-effectiveness, interest-orientation, quality of understanding and usefulness of learning. If we design a structure that provides more opportunities, more internet options, more topics of interest, and all including CT principles and concepts, we will be sharing CT with the world and a greater number of individuals around the globe.
      Japan and Korea (and perhaps other regions) have designed and provided the CT/RT/LM somewhat differently than the USA. They seem to do a great deal more demonstration of effectiveness to the user to encourage them to engage in the training. Their numbers of participants and members of their local organizations are increasing in number much greater than what we have seen in the USA in the last decade. Their numbers are growing, ours are declining. I would like to hear more about their success stories. What is working for them? Could it be included in our new design?

    • #1959
      Avatar photoJuan Pablo Aljure

      Hello. My proposal is based on offering separate certification programs for Education with CT, Counseling with CT, Leading with CT, and Personal Wellbeing with CT. I have not seen any comments about this huge change in direction. The general certification framework of basic-advanced-certification with two years practicing is maintained but with 3-day courses because the content is focusing on one of the three applications with CT framework. We are discussing monies and making it simpler but there is no discussion about the general changes I am mentioning here.

      Personally, I do not agree on making things simpler and easier just to spread this around because no real certification programs out there that are valued by people and spread worldwide are simple and easy. They require hard work and are perceived as very valuable. SACS and IB certifications for schools are two that come to mind, EFQM and ISO are two other for quality organizations, LEED and CHPS are two others for environmental certifications. I will never go through a certification program that is solely based on Internet and takes 6 months just reading and sending documents. Maybe I am not the one to continue with this work if the purpose of this board is to make things easy and simple to get.

      With respect to the GQS committee, I have not received WGI US revised criteria and rubric, and have not advanced in any way. I did receive three articles Bob Hoglund has published about some applications of the GQS and the Baldrige model but there is not certification or endorsement process or rubrics of any kind in those articles. My proposal about the GQS endorsement is in the same document of this discussion because I wanted to include it in the big picture of new programs offered or endorsed by WGI.

    • #1961
      Avatar photoBette Blance

      I think what Juan Pablo is suggesting comes out of what we as a Board discussed in Toronto. The current model of 4 days Basic Intensive Training has a strong focus on Reality Therapy. The ratio of 40% CT and 40% RT suggests that. Even though I think many of us who work school groups adapt our examples, anecdotes and role play set ups to be relevant for the group in front of us that ratio would seem unbalanced. In the past I have had a couple of comments suggesting that teachers are not counsellors. This may well put them off the training.

      So if we are going to make the training more relevant to schools or to parents or to counsellors or to prison staff, I think it would make sense to have a program that is more closely tailored to that group. Thus the suggestion that we can maintain what is currently happening ( BIT, BP, AIT, AP Certification)and add programs that are more like two days CTRT, followed by elective two day workshops.

      I think relevance to participants is a key. For GQS it might be two days of CTRT followed by elective workshops such as

      *Catering for Basic Needs in the classroom
      *Quality Lesson Design
      *Setting clear boundaries with good interpersonal relationships
      *Dealing With Difficult Behaviours Through Quality Relationships
      *Setting Up A Quality Classroom
      *Cooperative Learning
      *Self Evaluation in the Classroom
      *Three Way Reporting
      *Self Managing Students
      *Quality Behaviour, Quality Learning
      *Learning Styles
      *Innovative Teaching Strategies
      I am sure we could add many more to this list of possible workshops.
      I don’t think that this is simpler or easier but would have more relevance and therefore more “buy in”.

    • #2387
      Brian Lennon

      My difficulty with a 5-year plan is that we seem to have difficulty with our one year plan as initiated at our first physical meeting in Dublin. Many of the objectives we set ourselves could be completed in one year provided an efficient work format is used.

    • #2775
      Nancy Herrick

      Now that we have the TCOYL workshop organized and operating in many countries, I think we can say that the members of our organization are looking for shorter workshop formats for teaching CT. I like the idea that we retain our basic training structure as an introduction and add new, short workshops that will increase the interest and the skill development of people in various fields of work. Like what Bette suggested on education, with multiple workshop topics and skills. We could design these for all areas of interest: corrections, spirituality, business, health services, social services, parenting, personal wellness. Many of our faculty are teaching these now. I think we need to adopt a promotion of “train the trainers”. Members who have created workshops with specific skills targeted, could be encouraged to become “experts” in their workshop format and train others who would like to teach these skills using the experts’ workshop format. We have the beginning of this process established by a few of our members. I believe the program committee would be elated to have more “experts” step forward.

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