Total Review of Faculty Training

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  • Author
    • #1519
      Brian Lennon

      The existing training is aimed mainly at RT faculty but even as such requires streamlining to make it possible to have more faculty whilst respecting the quality of training. With the development of new courses I think we need to have new forms of faculty and, consequently, new forms of training.

    • #1895
      Janet Morgan

      To the best of my knowledge we have five propositions for a new training model. (Ellens, John Brickell, Nancy Herrick, Brian Lennon, Juan Pablo) They all have similar formats, ideas. Could a committee be formed to use these five propositions to create a new training policy? I would like to see this completed ASAP. I volunteer to head this committee of be a part of it. All authors of their proposals could be in this committee so we can develop quality work.


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