Professional Relationship Habits card

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    • #2768
      Avatar photoKim Olver

      Please take a look at the attached file and provide feedback. The thought is to have it on the WGI website as a template any member can download and distribute. Of course, it would have WGI’s logo and information instead of Ireland’s or if a local membership organization was having an event or training they could substitute their information if desired. Thank you!

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    • #2770

      Hi Kim, So you are saying these are free to members? Just checking! Copyright is WGI-US or WGI. Had noticed that there may be confusion with WGI as William Glasser Institute if there is no US following it and WGI as William Glasser International.

      Illustrator is such a handy software tool. Design is lovely!

    • #2771
      Brian Lennon

      Not sure I like that big purple flower. Looks a bit threatening, like a spider in the middle reaching out!!!

      I believe purple is a favourite colour of feminists but in many parts of Europe it is a sign of penitence! Also a flower might not appeal to everyone. A tree or tufts of green grass or a field of golden corn mabye.

      The mnemonic RENTALS maybe has wrong image! How about ANTLERS?

      The card idea (or as a fridge magnet) is excellent and Patrick has great ideas. I think this is an idea we should build on.

    • #2772
      Janet Morgan

      First, may I say thank you for the people involved that desired and created this for us! I always appreciate when someone volunteers their time and talents for the good of others!
      Second, I would like to say what I like about the card: I like the compactness. I like that we can download it for our business of sharing Choice Theory to others. I like the simple folding card. I like the mustard or yellow part.
      Third, suggestions: The flower and color is associated with grieving, loss and domestic violence. The wording on the insert isn’t in balance with each other; for example….where it says, ‘Avoid’ on the left side, it should start with ‘Practice’ on the right…The columns should be in the same order.

      Thanks for asking our opinion!!

    • #3218
      Avatar photoBoba Lojk

      Thank you for asking Kim!

      More than about design I am concerned here about the content. If we decide to print cards with 7 habits without mentioning beliefs that serve them I believe that we missed the point. This is not Choice Theory and Glasser didn’t mean that. Any other aproach can come up with the same idea.We shouldn’t ignore the main thing that Glasser invented – Total behavior.
      By practicing some activities as for example listening or any other we can change condition of the relationship for the short time but soon or later we will ask for change on the other side if we don’t believe that we are in charge for our happines, not other person.

      So, I suggest to add also believes (thinking component):

      External Control Beliefs that fits to Deadly habbits:
      1.My behavior is my response to certain circumstances.
      2.My behavior is a response to your behavior and vice versa. I can make you behave the way I want and I believe that this is right and just.
      3.My role (my duty and responsibility) is to make you behave the way I want you to behave. I believe that this is right and you should behave that way.

      Choice Theory Beliefs that fits to Caring Habbits
      1.My behavior is my choice in certain circumstances.
      2.My beavior is my choice, your behavior is your choice. Your behavior is just an information for me, what will I do with it is my choice and vice versa.
      3.My role (my duty and responsibility) is to create conditions by offering you all necessary information. What will you do with it is your choice and your responsibility.

      Our actions (habbits) in relationships is in accordance with our understanding of human behavior.
      I believe that such cards can be usfull no metter of flower and colour.

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