How can WGI programs add accreditation value to participants?

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    • #1521
      Avatar photoJuan Pablo Aljure

      Dear fellow boarders: As I am rewriting my proposal to the board about our next decade ecucational programs, I am thinking about how WGI programs can be useful to the learners obtain continuing education credits. In the United States, an IRS-approved CE provider must be an accredited educational institution but I do not know if WGI is accredited or if it could be. The key question is how can our educational programs be of value to learners in terms of their conitnuing education. It seems to me that WGI is a continuing education provider because it is not a university and does not license anyone. How can WGI programs add value to the conitnuing education of learners in fields like counseling, teaching, managing, and personal wellbeing?

      I will use your ideas to set up a proposal about WGI programs for the next decade. Thanks, Juan Pablo

    • #1522
      Brian Lennon

      This is an important point. It might not apply to all the courses we offer but certainly to some. Another aspect is that accreditation will vary from country to country.

      Do we need (1) a board member to becomes an “Accreditation Officer” (I’m sure there’s a better word.) and (2) an accrediation person in each affiliate to identify local requirements?

    • #2774
      Nancy Herrick

      CEU’s and accreditation is important in the USA and in many other countries. I believe if we could use this in our advertising, we might increase interest in our programs. At present, we can offer continuing credit in only some of our training programs, but not all.

      To get accreditation from a variety of professional organizations, we may want to create a research committee to investigate what it would take to be able to offer continuing education credit in different fields and in various countries. I am assuming that our executive director has investigated sources that have been suggested, but there may be individuals in other countries that could lead us to other professional accrediting agencies. This is a big job and not one that we should expect one person to deal with all the investigation and paperwork.

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